
< Linear Regression Theory >


Regression (Examples)

Exam score Prediction (Linear Regression)



Pass / Fail (Binary Classification)

Letter Grades (Multi-level Classification)


Linear Model : H(x) = Wx = b

Which model is the best among the given three?


Statistics: Linear Regression



Cost Function (or Loss Function)

How to fit the line to Training data

The difference between model calue and real meaurements


m : The number of training data

- Cost Function Minimization


Model :

Cost Function :


- How to Minimize this Function? → Gradient Descent Method

Angle → Differentiation

&alpha; : Learning rate


Stochastic vs Batch Gradient Descent

One of the first concepts that a beginner comes across in the field of deep learning is gradient descent followed by various ways in which…


- Learning Rates

Too large: Overshooting

Too small: takes too long, stops in the middle


- How can we determine the learning rates?

Try several learning rates

Observe the cost function

Check it goes down in a resonable rate


- Cost Function Minimization

Gradient Descent Method is only good for convex functions.

Unconvex Fn

- Multi-Variable Linear Regression

Model :

Cost :


Make x values a vector : (1 - by n) row Vector

w : n by 1 Column Vector


Transpose: XWt + b


= Linear Combination

< Binary Classification >


- Binary Classification Examples

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- Binary Classification Basic Idea

Step 1) Linear regression with:

Step 2) Logistic / Sigmoid function (sig(t)) based on the result of Step 1.

Sigmoid Function


Linear Regression Model:

Gradient Descent Method can be used because cost(W, b) is convex (local minimum is global minimum).


Binary Classification Model:

Gradient Descent Method can not be used because Cost(W, b) is non-convex.

New Cost Function required.

< Softmax Classification > = (Multinomial Classification)


- Cost Function : Cross-Entropy




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